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TMR Solid-State Magnetic Sensor, Micro Sensor, SMA Probe (STJ-030)

Regular price $3,806.00

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The STJ-030 is a low-field magnetic sensor probe designed for magnetic imaging and scanning applications. The sensor probe features a Micro Magnetics SpinTJ sensor with an active (sensing) area of just a few microns (~0.0001") in size. This allows the STJ-030 to detect field signatures from single magnetic particles or microscopic magnetic media.

The field sensitivity of the STJ-030 is 5 nT, which is ten thousand times smaller than the magnetic field of the Earth. The geometry of the STJ-030 probe makes it perfect for magnetic imaging of currency, magnetic films, or media.

The STJ-030 is a two-terminal device which is accessed through a standard SMA connector.


  • Superior field sensitivity of 5 nanotesla
  • Active areas as small as 1x2 microns
  • On-board ESD protection
  • Small size
  • Compact SMA connector
  • Optional sensor polishing allows an approach distance of < 5 microns (0.0002")

STJ-030 Datasheet